Our society today is becoming more and softer. We are starting to treat issues like self esteem with medicine that damages your body in the long-run. Kids and teenagers nowadays especially are starting to deal with issues like bullying, popularity, or school tumultuousness by taking medications for depression or cutting themselves, instead of grabbing the bull by the horns. Parents by coddling their kids are not helping the situation either making their kids even more vulnerable and open to these types of threats.
Suicide is one of the furthest steps that these kids or teenagers take nowadays and it is sad. The suicidal rate for 5-24 has increased in the past decade and we need to look at it and ask is it really because people are so much more depressed nowadays or is there a bigger different issue at hand here. With the use of internet cyber-bullying and other types of online harassment has obviously increased the opportunities for bullies and others to harass someone from school or a social setting.
The case of Megan Meier (13) is a pretty unique one. Here it was a mother to one of her former friends who ended up using a fake online identity to harass Megan and eventually lead to her committing suicide. This is a terrible thing when an adult manipulates the mind of a young teen in a way that would make the girl commit suicide. That being said are there not things that Megan’s parents could have done to prevent this? Limit her from using the computer and in this case MySpace. Perhaps meet with her former friend and her family to sort out the issues? There are more actions that could have been taken to prevent this from escalading to the point it did.
When I grew up my parents taught me that if somebody treated you not right or bullied you, you stick up for yourself. This is more of the case of face to face bullying and not really on the internet, but the internet is an easy thing to control for parents. You can limit what websites your kid goes on and not let them use the internet at home, or at least unmonitored. For most teens this is not the case, but parents should spend enough time and know their kids well enough to understand if there is an issue that needs to be dealt with.
What happened to Megan is tragic and inexcusable, but to prevent this from happening to more kids and teens something needs to be done. Parents and schools instead of babying kids and teens need to deal with the issues that cause stuff like this to arise. Whether that is telling someone that it is reality or punishing a bully, action needs to be taken. When it comes to the threat of the internet and cyber-bullying monitoring what your kid is doing on the computer is probably the most effective way to stop this. There is plenty of software and technology today to where this can be stopped and nipped in the bud, before it is too late.